Music is very powerful and has the ability to impact and connect with people’s emotions. Why so? According to the senior advisor on policy and research at the American Music Therapy Association, music is ingrained in our bodies and brains.
Our exposure and connection to music and sound start early, while we are still in the womb. According to Elena Mannes, author of the Power of Music, our auditory senses develop while we are still in the womb. More specifically, these senses start to develop between seventeen and nineteen weeks.
The baby’s auditory senses will be more developed between twenty- nine to thirty –three weeks. At this time, the baby will be able to not only ear but respond to high- pitched sounds. High pitched sounds often include the parent’s voices, as well as music. Please note, that the baby’s vision is the last sense to develop.
As Shelia Woodward’s revolutionary research confirms, we start learning about music even before we are born. Hence, our strong emotional connection to music, and every single element of music.
For the purposes of this article, we shall be looking at how powerful music is. In other words, the impact of music and how it benefits us beyond our emotional well- being. Let us take a look.
Helps Alleviate Depression
Numerous research confirms that music has the ability to prevent and treat depression. Music stimulates the brain to produce a happy hormone commonly referred to as dopamine. Dopamine has the ability to impact how we experience pleasure.
Moreover, it has the ability to enhance our mood considerably.
Helps Reduce Stress
According to CBS News, over 8 million American citizens suffer from chronic stress. Federal Health Data also found that the numbers seem to be increasing with each passing year. Given the fact that our world has become very demanding of our time and effort, this does not come as a surprise.
Whenever our stress levels are heightened, a hormone known as cortisol is released. This hormone can also impact our appetite and lead to weight gin. However, recent research confirms that music has the ability to lower cortisol levels.
Music also helps increase the production and release of the serotonin hormone. This hormone has the effect and functions of dopamine. It regulates mood.
Pain and Anxiety Alleviation
Yes, music can help reduce pain and anxiety levels as well. Studies suggest that individuals that suffer from anxiety and fibromyalgia exhibit low endorphin levels.
Endorphins are chemicals that are similar to the dopamine and serotonin chemicals. So much so that these chemicals also have an effect on our mood. Many scientists and doctors suggest that endorphins have the same effect as opioids do. Hence, the ability to alleviate pain and anxiety levels.
According to a study done by researchers from Denmark in the year 2014, music is extremely helpful to fibromyalgia patients. Moreover, music helped improve the range of motion among fibromyalgia patients.
In conclusion, there is definitely power in music. Due to our deep emotional connection to music, it has the ability to benefit beyond our emotional well- being. It can help treat and improve our mental and social well- being.